Prime Share Savings
Begin your Bangor Federal journey today with just $5!
Club Accounts
Take the time to enjoy the little things in life with a club account that helps you save for them too.
Prime Share Savings
Key Features:
- Establishes your membership at Bangor Federal Credit Union
- Competitive dividends on balances of $25 or more
- No monthly maintenance fees
- No minimum balance requirements
- Unlimited free withdrawals
- Free digital banking
- Surcharge-free ATMs and shared branching available
- $5 minimum deposit to open
Club Accounts
Key Features:
- Goal-oriented savings to help you save up for:
- Christmas gift giving
- Taxes or insurance
- Vacation
- Home improvement projects
- And more
- Christmas gift giving
- Set aside little-by-little, year-round, to meet your goals
- Competitive dividends on entire balance
- No monthly maintenance fees
- No minimum balance requirements
- Christmas club funds are automatically transferred to your savings or checking account on or around October 1st
- No penalties for early withdrawals
- Free digital banking
- Shared branching available
- No minimum deposit to open
Looking for our youth account options? Look no further!
Let the team at Bangor Federal help start your child's financial journey.
Home Mortgage Loans
It’s deep in the heart of mankind to want their own roof and walls, and we’ve been helping Maine families make this dream a reality since 1956. We’re neighbors helping neighbors.